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"Talking 4 Hope"

‘TALKING 4 HOPE’ is a peer-to-peer support group for men and women over 18,
who are struggling with their mental health / wellbeing. 

Talking 4 Ho pe.png

We meet every Tuesday evening

 7pm to 9pm


Burnaby House, Church Street,

Mansfield Woodhouse, NG19 8AH.


Ring the bell and someone will be there to greet you. 

What happens within our “peer-to-peer” group meeting?


This is a talking group that offers an opportunity to share experiences in a safe and non-judgemental way.  You choose how much or how little to share with your peers.


At each meeting we establish some ground rules for everyone’s benefit, for example:


  • “what is said in the room stays in the room”, unless the individual is at risk to self or others, then the facilitators will be required to refer on to the appropriate agency;

  • personal information is only shared with the owner’s permission;

  • each person is given space to talk or not, and others may only contribute with the permission of that person; 

  • this is not a counselling service.


To give some structure to the evening we invite responses to four questions, which are: 


  • your name and a positive reason for being here; 

  • how your week has been; 

  • one positive about the week; 

  • something that has been particularly difficult or tough for you; 

  • a couple of lighter more humorous questions that change each week ...


… and of course tea or coffee and biscuits are provided.


Come along and give it a try, we would love to meet you.


Comments from some of our clients (used with permission):


I have been coming to the group for 5 weeks and I have felt so welcome and to say it was already established it’s like I’ve always been a part of it.  I’ve had different forms of therapy and this is the first time I’ve felt truly helped and understood.  I love it here. x Cally


A delightful group and a safe friendly atmosphere.  I can’t say it enough.


Very supportive, lovely group, no judgement.


Fantastic group, offering amazing support no judgement.


I love this group! It makes me a more positive, confident person and has given me hope for the future.

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