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Welcome to our walking group

All walks you will see on this page will be varied events, from leisurely walks, family based activity trails, map reading skills to hiking into the UK's beautiful natural parks, if you are new to hiking please speak with our walk leader prior to joining, for you own safety, as the outdoors comes with natural hazards, and you need to be able to take responsibility for yourself and anyone with you who is under 18.

Welcome to our walk leader: John Bell

John has over 2 decades of walking and hiking in the outdoors, he is an ex-Royal Engineer in the British Army and has a love for the outdoors, wild camping and building a strong resilient mind-set through extreme hiking.


John wants to show others the beauty of our natural world, and help to give people something his son never got the chance to have, together we can be more than what we suffer and getting outdoors and understanding and learning what nature has to offer to improve our well-being is so important.


John has learnt to live a peaceful life with his son his heart, cultivating loving kindness and building resilience to develop self-worth.


We look forward to you joining us.​

Please revisit this page regularly for more updates.

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